Market Center Coalition
The Market Center Coalition is focused on community solutions to matters of broken social and physical infrastructure, while adhering to its guiding principles and leveraging relationships between members, public, private and quasi-governmental stakeholders.
About Us
The Market Center Coalition is a group of individuals and entities that work together to make a safer, more welcoming environment in Market Center, the community surrounding Lexington Market.
The Coalition formed in 2019 when the Market Center Merchants Association’s Clean & Safe Committee merged with similar efforts led by Seawall, the community developer building the new Lexington Market, and the owner of CenterPoint Apartments. Many Coalition members have been doing the work for years, but in 2019 they joined forces to speak with a more cohesive, louder voice, break down silos and work more effectively together, and approach the issues facing Market Center holistically.
HOLISTIC – Work on multiple issues (safety, cleanliness, opioid dealing, business development, etc.) at the same time by partnering with organizations from different sectors with different levels of expertise.
COMPASSIONATE – Act with compassion, treat people fairly and justly, focus on solving the issues not attacking people.
EFFECTIVE – focus on real life results and impact, identify what works and what doesn’t, learn and adapt, provide adequate resources and people to address the issue.
SUSTAINABLE – Improvements must take root and last beyond the construction and opening of Lexington Market.
ACCOUNTABLE – All partners, including community members, are responsible for making Lexington Market a safe, welcoming, family friendly destination.
INCLUSIVE – Diversity is essential for the neighborhood’s success. People of all backgrounds are an essential part of the decision-making process.
Join us!
The full Coalition meets monthly on the first Monday of every month, from 11am to 12pm via Zoom
much of the work takes place through Action Committees:
● Appearance & Cleanliness – Ann Winder, Market Center CDC, Chair
● Behavioral Health – Diwee Sewell, The G.R.O.W. Program, Chair
● Business Health – Kristen Mitchell, Market Center Merchants Association, Chair
● BPD – Bruce Panczner, CenterPoint Apartments, Chair
● Transit – Pickett Slater-Harrington, Seawall, Chair
● Communications – Jenny Kessler Klump, Market Center CDC, Chair
The Coalition and Action Committees are open to the public and welcome new participants.
Important Links.
Baltimore Consent Decree Monitoring Team 1st Comprehensive Reassessment Link.
Post 114/MC Coalition is monitoring the Baltimore Consent Decree implementation, as it will have significant implications for access to behavioral health services, implementation of community policing, and more. The Central District community liaison reviews aspects of the consent decree every Friday at noon via zoom. Contact Kristen Mitchell for information.
Meeting Notes.
Coalition Meeting, February 2021
Coalition Meeting, January 2021
Coalition Meeting, December 2020
Coalition Meeting, November 2020
Coalition Meeting, October 2020
Coalition Meeting, September 2020
Coalition Meeting, August 2020
Appearance & Cleanliness Action Committee - Compilation of Meeting Minutes
Behavioral Health Action Committee - Compilation of Meeting Minutes
Business Health Action Committee - Compilation of Meeting Minutes
MTA Action Committee - Compilation of Meeting Minutes